Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Islam And Islamic Terrorism Islam Is Not All That...

Despite the general resistance concerning the Islamic faith in today’s environment, Islam is not all that different from Christianity and Judaism. All three religions have extremists, and while it seems that Islamic extremists are the worst, I think that is solely due to their methodology of when, where, and how they attack. Many would disagree with me, but Christians can be equally as cruel and radical; it’s just on a much smaller scale. As with many things in today’s society, if we would just slow down and try to understand each other, much of the fear associated with Islam could dissipate, with the knowledge that not all who practice Islam are the evil ISIS or al-Qaeda members we hear and see on the news. As a matter of fact, true†¦show more content†¦Islam, like Christianity and Judaism, is a monotheistic faith, meaning they believe in one God and one God only. In their language, God is translated to â€Å"Allah†. I think of Islam as th e ultimate monotheistic religion. As Kenneth Woodward mentions, the Qur’an utterly rejects the Christian idea of the Holy Trinity as â€Å"polytheistic† (â€Å"Holy Books†). For Christians, the Holy Trinity is essentially a symbolic idea of one person who manifests in different ways. Historically, it seems as if Judaism is the most tolerant of the three. The earliest Israel was henotheistic, meaning that although Israelites worshipped only one God, they did not deny the existence of other gods for other nations. (â€Å"Judaism†, Funk Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia). As the Christians have Jesus and the Jews have Moses as their main prophet, Islam has Mohammed. All three prophets are considered the ultimate standard of what it means to be of each faith. Muhammed was actually considered to be illiterate, but was still able to read, comprehend, and pass on what the angel Gabriel showed him. He struggled for years with the knowledge that he had and realization that he needed to share his message, which was spread through the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam. Muhammad was essentially a family and community man, sometimes turned warrior, concerned for his society, needing to warn them of an impending judgement. (Johnson, 2015) His message

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